Added a new doll using Louceph's mini base, and a new big blinkie using said doll.
Changed wording of Doll page to make it clear that clicking on a doll will lead you to the base.
Figured out how to make scrollbars invisible (but only for the Tallulah Casey shrine page).
Added a new doll using Wayuki's Silents base
Renamed ButtonsBannersScarves to Graphics in the URL and changed all the links.
Added two Fontaine pixel dolls.
Added a few more buttons and blinkies to the graphics page.
Added examples of my calligraphy to my commissions page.
Added rec list page, it's labelled "Cool Stuff" in the nav bar.
Considering what a fandom page should look like. Planning to add zines I've made at the very least.
Condensed Glitters and Glitter Graphics down to one page to make room for the eventual book/music/artist/film rec page.
Extended updates panel in sidebar.
Starting to wish I'd added timestamps earlier.
Here's a list of things I have planned so far:
Things that have been ticked off the list: